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Conform to the relevant legislation 196/2003, in compliance with the law safeguarding the confidentiality of personal data, we wish to inform you that:
Treatment of your data, or otherwise acquired in range of pursuing our business could also be handled by authorized third parties to whom the power to access your data is granted according to the law or subordinate and/or community rules.
The one concerned will be able to exercise his/her rights provided for by art. 7 of the legislative decree n. 196/2003 (among which the right of access, amendment, adjournment, of opposition to the treatment and of cancellation).
Data controller is our company.
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The delivery is carried out within 48/96 hours Mondays to Fridays except Sundays and Public Holidays. In order to check the shipping status, UPS will email you with all the details concerning the necessary references and links. For foreign countries the shipping costs are automatically counted at the end of the order form filling. Payment by credit card, Paypal and Bank Transfer.
Copyright My Selleria S.r.l. - All rights riserved - Via Ruzzante 5 - 35020 Sant'Angelo di Piove di Sacco (PD) Italy - P.IVA IT05178980289
trackers of our website and our analysis tools.Use this page to give consent (opt-in) and / or denial (opt-out ) to the use of cookies and / or trackers by our website and our analysis tools divided into the following categories:
The data collected by these services are necessary to ensure the safety of navigation, improve the technical performance of the website, and to provide basic purchase functions. Among the technical cookies used for the purposes of fraud prevention and guaranteeing navigation safety, there are some that allow you to store your choices in tracking completely anonymously in compliance with the provisions issued by the REG. 2016/679 and subsequent amendments and additions and to Provision No. 231 of 10.06.2021 of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.For the purposes of providing the guarantees expressed above, the site also uses third-party cookies such as Google Analytics through a process of minimization and anonymization of all the types of data collected which prevents the direct and univocal identification of the user in compliance with the provisions of which to the Provision n ° 231 of 10.06.2021 of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data.
We use the data to improve your experience on the site, avoid errors and test new features.
Based on the user's interactions with the site, preferences and affinities, we will be able to show you personalized content.
This site collects user experience information to provide relevant advertising content on our products (and products offered by our partners and brands in their stores). To select content suited to the user's interests, we may, for example, use information on their purchases and interactions on the site. We will share this information and a customer identifier, such as an encrypted email address and device details, with third parties such as Facebook and Google. This allows us to deliver relevant advertisements on third party websites and apps. We may also collect data, such as process data on advertisements (for example, when the user clicks on an advertisement and then makes a purchase) by making cross-connections between multiple devices. This allows you to measure advertising performance and allows for billing.